
Functions to work with matrix and transformations


convert2TransformMatrix(tm) Convert a transformation Matrix
getChainTransform(positions, normal[, negate]) Get a tranformation list from a positions list and normal.
getChainTransform2(positions, normal[, negate]) Get a tranformation list from a positions list and normal.
getFilteredTransform(m[, translation, …]) Retrieve a transformation filtered.
getInterpolateTransformMatrix(t1, t2[, blend]) Interpolate 2 matrix.
getOffsetPosition(node[, offset]) Get an offset position from dagNode
getPositionFromMatrix(in_m) Get the position values from matrix
getRotationFromAxis(in_a, in_b[, axis, negate]) Get the matrix rotation from a given axis.
getSymmetricalTransform(t[, axis, fNegScale]) Get the symmetrical tranformation
getTransform(node) Return the transformation matrix of the dagNode in worldSpace.
getTransformFromPos(pos) Create a transformation Matrix from a given position.
getTransformLookingAt(pos, lookat, normal[, …]) Return a transformation mstrix using vector positions.
getTranslation(node) Return the position of the dagNode in worldSpace.
matchWorldTransform(source, target) Match 2 dagNode transformations in world space.
quaternionDotProd(q1, q2) Get the dot product of 2 quaternion.
quaternionSlerp(q1, q2, blend) Get an interpolate quaternion based in slerp function.
resetTransform(node[, t, r, s]) Reset the scale, rotation and translation for a given dagNode.
setMatrixPosition(in_m, pos) Set the position for a given matrix
setMatrixRotation(m, rot) Set the rotation for a given matrix
setMatrixScale(m[, scl]) Set the scale for a given matrix