import weightNode_io
# Find all the weight Nodes weightDrivers =”weightDriver”)
# any filePath testPath = r”C:Users afaelDocumentscorescripts estWeightNodes.json”
# Export listed weightDrivers weightNode_io.exportNodes(testPath, weightDrivers)
# import all weight drivers from filePath weightNode_io.importNodes(testPath)
¶ str – ctl suffix shared from rbf_io
¶ str – suffix shared from rbf_io
¶ str – name of the attr that disables rbf node(non enum)
¶ str – core/plugin node type
¶ str – name of the suffix for this rbf node type
¶ dict – attrs and their type for querying/setting
¶ list – of attrs to query for re-setting on create
¶ list – of transform attrs to record
__author__ = “Rafael Villar” __email__ = “”
addPose (node, poseInput, poseValue[, posesIndex]) |
add pose to the weightDriver node provided. |
copyPoses (nodeA, nodeB[, emptyPoseValues]) |
Copy poses from nodeA to nodeB with the option to be blank or node for syncing nodes OF EQUAL LENGTH IN POSE INFO |
createRBF (name[, transformName]) |
Creates a rbf node of type weightDriver |
createRBFFromInfo (weightNodeInfo_dict) |
create an rbf node from the dictionary provided information |
createVectorDriver (driverInfo) |
deletePose (node, indexToPop) |
gather information on node, remove desired index and reapply |
exportNodes (filePath, weightDriverNodes) |
export serialized node information to the specified filepath |
forceEvaluation (node) |
force evaluation of the weightDriver node thank you Ingo |
getAttrInOrder (node, attrWithIndex) |
get the connected attributes of the provided compound attr in order of index - Sanity check |
getDrivenNode (node) |
get driven nodes connected to weightDriver |
getDrivenNodeAttributes (node) |
get the connected attributes of the provided compound attr in order of index - Sanity check |
getDriverListInfo (node) |
used for when live connections are supported on the weightDriver # TODO - Complete support |
getDriverNode (node) |
get nodes that are driving weightDriver node |
getDriverNodeAttributes (node) |
get the connected attributes of the provided compound attr in order of index - Sanity check |
getIndexValue (nodePlug, indices) |
return the values of a compound attr at the specified index |
getNodeConnections (node) |
get all connections on weightDriver node |
getNodeInfo (node) |
get a dictionary of all the serialized information from the desired weightDriver node for export/import/duplication |
getNodesInfo (weightDriverNodes) |
convenience function to get a dict of all the provided nodes |
getPoseInfo (node) |
Get dict of the pose info from the provided weightDriver node |
getRBFTransformInfo (node) |
get a dict of all the information to be serialized to/from json |
importNodes (filePath) |
create nodes from serialized data from the provided json filepath |
lengthenCompoundAttrs (node) |
In core, if a compound attr has a value of 0,0,0 it will skip creating the attribute. |
loadWeightPlugin (dependentFunc) |
ensure that plugin is always loaded prior to importing from json |
recreateAttributes (node, attributesToRecreate) |
add any attributes to the provided node from list |
recreateConnections (connectionsInfo) |
recreate connections from dict |
setDrivenNode (node, drivenNode, drivenAttrs) |
set the node to be driven by the weightDriver |
setDriverListFromInfo (node, driverListInfo) |
set driverlist node with information from dict proivided |
setDriverNode (node, driverNode, driverAttrs) |
set the node that will be driving the evaluation on our poses |
setPosesFromInfo (node, posesInfo) |
set a large number of poses from the dictionary provided |
setTransformNode (transformNode, transformInfo) |
set the transform node of a weightedDriver with the information from dict |
setWeightNodeAttributes (node, weightNodeAttrInfo) |
set the attribute information on the weightDriver node provided from the info dict |
syncPoseIndices (srcNode, destNode) |
Syncs the pose indices between the srcNode and destNode. |
RBFNode (name) |
when subclassed everything that need be overrided is information specific to the module rbf node. |